What’s It All About?

Chill Out Day in association with Mustard Seed Ireland is the perfect way to keep your employees engaged and upbeat through these turbulent and stressful times.

From talking to our partners we know how difficult it is for staff and management to stay motivated, stay focused and stay connected while working from home.  This is the perfect chance to show your staff some love and appreciation while also giving back to those who need our support now more than ever.


What’s Involved?

Chill Out Day involves your staff making a small donation (€5/ €10) to enter a draw for a day off.  It couldn’t be simpler!

All proceeds go to Mustard Seed Communities Ireland and one lucky winner gets to take a break from the Work-From-Home regime to spend time with their kids, bake some bread, get out for some fresh air or just to lie on the sofa and forget about the laptop, guilt-free for a day.

What is becoming clear to us is that people need and want to feel connected, to be part of something meaningful.   We know that by offering something that creates a bit of a buzz, a short distraction and an opportunity for people to ‘give back’ your staff will feel appreciated and not so isolated.

It’s the perfect opportunity to go out there with some good news on social media!!  Tell all your clients and potential clients that you are taking care of the well being of your employees and that you are supporting communities that need help now more than ever.

We’ve done all the hard work for you. Everything you need from email templates to your donation link is provided by us.  All you have to do now is Register, pick a date, download all the Marketing Assets that will be sent to you and start shouting about it!

Why not organise a Google Teams/ Zoom call with your team to share the good news?

It’s a great way to keep staff morale and engagement up in these difficult times.

‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going!’

Register now to receive your Chill Out Pack.

Register Your Interest Now!

Chill Out Day